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The Surprising Link Between Cardiovascular Health and Hearing Loss

When we think about cardiovascular health, we often consider its impact on our heart, blood vessels, and overall physical well-being. However, emerging research suggests a strong connection between cardiovascular health and hearing loss. Understanding this link can help us take better care of our hearts and our hearing. How Cardiovascular Health Affects Hearing The health of our cardiovascular system plays …

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The Connection Between Food and Hearing Health

When it comes to maintaining good hearing health, many people think about protecting their ears from loud noises or getting regular hearing check-ups. However, one crucial aspect that often goes unnoticed is the impact of diet on hearing health. Just as nutrition affects our overall well-being, it also plays a significant role in the health of our ears. The Link …

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How You Can Talk to Your Loved One About Their Hearing Loss

Have you noticed that a loved one seems to be struggling to hear? Talking about hearing loss can be a sensitive subject. The good news is that you can support your loved one on their journey to better hearing health. It all starts with an open and understanding conversation. By approaching the topic with empathy and providing support along the …

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Dive into Understanding Swimmer’s Ear: Identification and Management

For swimmers and water enthusiasts, the joy of aquatic activities can sometimes be accompanied by the discomfort of swimmer’s ear. Also known as otitis externa, swimmer’s ear is a common condition characterized by inflammation of the ear canal. It’s most often caused by water exposure. Causes of Swimmer’s Ear Swimmer’s ear is typically caused by water becoming trapped in the …

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How Hearing Aids Contribute to Accident Prevention and Fall Protection

As we move through our daily lives, the sounds around us play a crucial role in keeping us connected and aware of our surroundings. For individuals with hearing loss, this auditory awareness extends beyond communication—it is a key component of safety. By enhancing situational awareness, hearing aids help us navigate the world with confidence, safety, and independence. The Role of …

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The Allergy-Ear Connection: The Impact of Allergies on Ear Health

The changing seasons can often bring a surge of allergies. Whether it’s the new blossoms of spring or the dry and dusty air of winter, allergens can be present year-round. While most people associate allergies with sneezing and itchy eyes, few realize the profound impact allergies can have on ear health. Understanding Allergies and Their Impact Allergies are the result …

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Sound Advice: Safeguarding Your Teen’s Hearing in a Noisy World

As a parent, you’re no stranger to the way sound follows your teen. From the constant buzz of technology to the rhythmic beats of their favorite tunes, your teen is often surrounded by sound. While these sounds contribute to the soundtrack of their lives, it’s crucial to be mindful of the potential risks they pose to their hearing. Let’s explore …

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Exploring the Link Between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Hearing Issues

A good night’s sleep is often considered the key to rejuvenation and overall well-being. However, for many, the night isn’t as peaceful as it should be. Sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can disrupt sleep quality and impact more than just rest. Recent research has unveiled a connection between OSA and hearing issues. Understanding Obstructive Sleep Apnea Obstructive sleep …

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This November, Test Your Hearing in Honor of American Diabetes Month

Do you feel tired, more than usual? This time of year, that’s totally normal, as the days grow shorter and cooler. However, if you are also struggling with blurry vison or extreme and regular thirst, it could signal diabetes or even prediabetes. Currently 37 million people in the US have diabetes and the numbers keep rising. One in five with …

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What Does It Mean to Have “Normal” Hearing?

In the world of hearing loss we refer often to the idea of normal hearing. The definition of normal is “conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern. When referring to humans, we often like to celebrate our diversity, however the idea of normal hearing is used as a base line reference by audiologists to determine the degree and severity …