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Preparing for Your Hearing Test

So you’ve chosen to get your hearing tested! Maybe you were already diagnosed with hearing loss years ago but you’re not hearing like you used to with your current hearing aids. Maybe you’ve noticed that you struggle to carry on conversations in restaurants or other public places. Maybe you’ve been getting noise complaints from your neighbors about the television being …

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A Link Between Migraines, Tinnitus & Hearing Loss

If you suffer from migraines, you know how excruciating they can be. Migraines are not normal headaches! They are neurological diseases that involve nerve pathways and chemicals. Changes in brain activity affect blood in the brain and surrounding tissues, and can cause a range of symptoms including severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation, often on one side of the …

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Links between Hearing Loss & COVID19

COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus, has changed the way we interact in the world. While in the US the spread of the virus is slowing down, we are constantly in question of how long this will last, leaving us wondering if this is the new normal. We are continually learning more about this virus and its long term effects on …

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How Quitting Smoking & Lowering Blood Pressure Could Support Healthy Hearing

Our hearing ability is not isolated to the ears. In addition to the auditory nervous system linking with the brain, hearing ability is part of a broad network of connections within the body. Take, for instance, the heart. Although the heart is an individual muscle in the chest, its ability to push oxygenated blood throughout the body means that it …

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Link Between Stress and Hearing Loss

Stress is a fact of life, and many Americans find themselves trying to cope with stress in their everyday lives. High levels of stress are linked to numerous health problems and long term, chronic stress can even cause hearing loss. But stress that can cause hearing loss is nothing to ignore. Here’s some information about stress and hearing loss and …