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New Year’s Resolution: Get Your Hearing Tested

No matter what happened in 2019, January presents a great new start! A promise to go to the gym more often, contact family more regularly and eat a little healthier. Perhaps you will have a regular medical exam, see your dentist more often or check your vision. We want you to add another resolution to the list here at Pacific Hearing Care – take an …

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Things Your Ears Reveal About Your Health

Did you know that your ears can reveal a lot about your health? If you’re experiencing any pain or discomfort in your ears, or have noticed any changes in your ears or your hearing health, it’s important that you pay close attention. These changes could be pointing to a serious health problem you weren’t aware of. Tinnitus Do you have …

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Weather Preparedness Tips for People with Hearing Loss

Are you prepared for a weather emergency? If a major storm hits the city, what will you do? Disasters are always unexpected, but taking the time to prepare for an emergency before it hits will give you peace of mind, and help protect you and your entire family. Hearing the Alerts Notifications about emergencies or crisis are often broadcast through …

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How to Fight Noise Pollution & Protect Your Hearing

Noise pollution has become a major problem in all our cities. From traffic noise to blaring music at the gym to your home appliances, unnatural noise is all around us. The construction site you pass on your way to work and the noise in your children’s school all add up to a lot of daily strain for our ears. Millions …