Our hearing ability is not isolated to the ears. In addition to the auditory nervous system linking with the brain, hearing ability is part of a broad network of connections within the body. Take, for instance, the heart. Although the heart is an individual muscle in the chest, its ability to push oxygenated blood throughout the body means that it …
Even a Mild Hearing Loss Contributes to Cognitive Decline
For many years now, rigorous research has been underway into the connection between hearing loss and cognitive decline. At a statistical level, we know that this connection holds up. Those who have untreated hearing loss are much more likely to develop dementia than their counterparts who do not have hearing loss. Furthermore, those who do develop dementia are more likely …
Why Do Masks Make it Difficult to Communicate?
The year 2020 witnessed a global shift to wearing personal protective equipment, including facemasks, and that necessary precautionary measure was inconvenient for many reasons. As we know all too well, wearing a facemask can make it feel uncomfortable to breathe, exercise, and talk to others. The effects on our skin and ears add to the discomfort of these necessary protective …
How Often Should I Get a Hearing Test?
48 million people in the US could benefit from treating their hearing loss. While it is an issue that begins in the ears, the communication issues which arise affect mood, mental health and physical safety. Hearing loss is permanent, but it can be treated effectively by various methods, depending on the severity. A recent study reported that about 30% of people …
May is Better Hearing and Speech Month
It’s time to celebrate Better Hearing and Speech Month! Every May we join professionals around the world to raise awareness about communication disorders. The theme for 2021 is “Building Connections” and we’re here to help you do just that. Hearing loss can make it harder to connect with loved ones, but hearing aids can help you hear clearly and strengthen …
How a Heart-Healthy Diet Supports Better Hearing
A common saying is: “You are what you eat”. While this is debatable, the nutrients you do or do not receive from the foods you choose in your diet, directly affect your health and well-being. This becomes more true as we age. While many feel like they can get by with unhealthy eating habits when they are younger, these will …
Tips for Video Calls and Group Chats for Hearing Loss
In this new era of video calls and group chats, many new challenges present themselves. Lagging audio, freezing video, crosstalk, and connection outages can make our communication frustrating and ineffective from time to time. However, the benefits of being able to see and hear our colleagues, friends, and loved ones have enriched our lives in many ways as well, particularly …
Tips to Help Your Hearing Aids Last Longer
If you’ve made the choice to get hearing aids, you are well on your way to a whole new world of hearing! Congratulations on getting yourself the assistance you need. Now that you have selected a pair of hearing devices, you will want to make them last as long as possible. With the remarkable technological innovations of the latest hearing …
More Work to be Done on Hearing Loss
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal statute that forbids discrimination against people with disabilities who meet specific criteria. Individuals with disabilities have impairments that significantly restrict the primary life function, have a history of a substantially restricting disorder, or are considered disabled. Signs of progress Many advances for people with hearing loss have been made in the …
Work & Leisure Activities That Could Contribute to Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is commonly thought to be something that occurs as we age or as a result of a loud sound burst. But did you know that there are noises we hear daily that can permanently harm our hearing? We may not pay attention to these everyday noises because we have become accustomed to them. They’re simply a part of …