Hearing loops are a simple, effective way to get cleaner sound into the hearing aids of everyone in a room, as long as their hearing aids are equipped with a telecoil (or T-coil). Without getting too technical, the T-coil was originally developed to better-transmit the energy from a telephone speaker to a set of hearing aids by picking up the …
Tips for Communicating with Face Masks
With the Covid-19 pandemic happening, many of us are wearing masks and observing six feet of “social distance.” Experts say this is important to reducing the impact of the pandemic, though it poses some difficulties for everyone. Especially for those with hearing loss and other communication issues, masks and distance are among the very things that we would recommend not …
How Does Active Noise Cancelling Work
Cities are notoriously loud, and it’s hard to escape all the noise. Heavy traffic, construction sites, or even a noisy garbage truck can all be harmful for your hearing. Many people use music to block out the background noise. Do you turn up the volume even higher when the noises around you get louder? Millions of Americans use music to …
Tips for Cleaning Your Ears
Have your ears been feeling blocked or clogged? Maybe it feels like the sounds around you are muffled or coming from far away. This could be a sign you have a buildup of earwax, and it may be time to clean your ears. Here are a few tips for safely cleaning your ears. And no, it’s not with a Q-tip. …
Seeking Hearing Loss Treatment Could Help Prevent or Delay Dementia
You may be surprised to learn that hearing loss and dementia are often comorbidities, that is, they can often happen at the same time. Untreated hearing loss is a risk factor for developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, and people with hearing loss may be more likely to experience rapid cognitive decline. The good news is that seeking hearing loss treatment …
A Link Between Tinnitus, Anxiety, and Sleep
Tinnitus is the experience of hearing a buzzing or ringing like noise in one or both ears. The sound has also been described as clicking and humming. Tinnitus is the perception of this noise when no external source is present. This means that only you can hear it even upon being examined by a medical professional. Tinnitus can be mild …
Watching TV with Hearing Aids
Hearing aids have experienced exciting innovations over recent years which has significantly enhanced user experience. These devices offer a variety of features and technologies that are designed to integrate connectivity and maximize hearing. Navigating life with hearing aids takes time to adjust to. But by learning about how to best use your hearing aids and practicing, you can manage and …
5 Tips for a Successful Virtual Family Reunion
With many family reunions moving online this holiday season, you may be thinking about how to organize a successful virtual gathering. Virtual get-togethers with friends and family have allowed us to stay connected during this unprecedented year. Though it requires a few adjustments, online reunions can be just as engaging! By taking the time to plan, you can provide a …
Watching TV with Hearing Aids
Hearing loss can make everyday activities more challenging. You might sleep through the alarm in the morning, or have a hard time following conversations. Hearing loss also makes it harder to listen to music, talk on the phone, and even watch TV. Have you been turning up the volume on the TV until other members of the family complain it’s …
Adults with Hearing Loss at Higher Risk for Unemployment
Have you noticed changes in your hearing? When you first notice some hearing loss, you might not think it’s a big deal. After all, you’re still managing to hear most sounds, and you only ask people to repeat themselves one or two times. However, struggling to hear, especially during conversations, is impacting you more than you might think. For example, …