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What to Ask During A Hearing Consultation

If you have made an appointment for a hearing consultation, you are on the path to a greatly improved way of life! When you notice or suspect that your hearing may be compromised, the sooner you can get to the hearing specialist for a consultation and examination, the better. Now that you have an appointment lined up, you might be …

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Chronic Tinnitus and Links to Anxiety & Depression

Recall the last time you attended a very loud concert, sporting event, nightclub, or even busy restaurant. Do you remember the experience of trying to go to sleep at the end of the night? If the noise at that event was loud enough, you might have had a lingering ringing in your ears after you left, even making it difficult …

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Strange Causes of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can take place for a number of reasons. Many people incur hearing loss as part of the natural process of growing older. Without the ability to “blink” our ears, they are inundated with sound from birth through death. These remarkable organs are sensitive to an astonishing range of sound, and it is incredible that they function as acutely …

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Staying Safe with Hearing Loss

Staying safe in the home is a top concern as we grow older. Although most of our fears are unfounded, a few basic precautions are just a smart way to consider the possibility of a risky situation. Indeed, though it is a relatively unlikely event, preparing for a fire or other household emergency is a simple step you can take …

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Things Your Ears Reveal About Your Health

Did you know that your ears can reveal a lot about your health? If you’re experiencing any pain or discomfort in your ears, or have noticed any changes in your ears or your hearing health, it’s important that you pay close attention. These changes could be pointing to a serious health problem you weren’t aware of. Tinnitus Do you have …

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Weather Preparedness Tips for People with Hearing Loss

Are you prepared for a weather emergency? If a major storm hits the city, what will you do? Disasters are always unexpected, but taking the time to prepare for an emergency before it hits will give you peace of mind, and help protect you and your entire family. Hearing the Alerts Notifications about emergencies or crisis are often broadcast through …

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May is Better Hearing and Speech Month!

Living with untreated hearing loss is one of the worst things you can do for your overall health and wellbeing. You might think missing the odd sound here and there won’t have a big effect in the long run, and you can cope by turning up the TV, but nothing could be further from the truth. If you’re one of …

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How to Fight Noise Pollution & Protect Your Hearing

Noise pollution has become a major problem in all our cities. From traffic noise to blaring music at the gym to your home appliances, unnatural noise is all around us. The construction site you pass on your way to work and the noise in your children’s school all add up to a lot of daily strain for our ears. Millions …

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Can Hearing Aids Be “Stylish”?

When you think of fashion, you probably don’t think of hearing aids. In fact, talking about hearing aids likely conjures up images of the ugly devices your uncle wore years ago, that seemed to take over the whole ear and whistled or buzzed if you got too close to them. You’ve always said hearing aids just aren’t for your, and …

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Tips for Traveling with Hearing Aids

Here at Pacific Hearing Care, we believe that treating hearing loss reconnects you to the sounds of your life – and that includes travel! There’s no reason to forego traveling and finding adventure if you have hearing aids and hearing loss. You’ll be surprised how accommodating many tourist destinations as well as historical venues and monuments have access for the …