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Celebrate World Hearing Day: Ear and hearing care for all!

Want to make a change in your life? March is almost here and while for many this means the start of Spring; we here like to focus on World Health Day which is coming up on March 3rd. This annual celebration is led by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a way to promote the importance of prevention, early detection …

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Talking About Hearing Loss: Why Your Disclosure Method Matters

Many of us find it difficult to talk about our problems. This hesitance comes in many forms and for many reasons. At the deepest level, some of us simply don’t acknowledge to ourselves that we have a problem. Although the issue might be hovering at the edge of our minds, we aren’t able to put this problem into clear terms …

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Musicians and Hearing Loss

Music is an amazing cross section of art and math, drawing a special kind of person to the profession of musician. People become musicians often for the romance of the art as flexible hours and chances to travel. However, being exposed to and creating music day after day, while practicing or performing can take a toll on your hearing over …

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The Role of Ears in the Balance System

We walk through the world every day without giving a second thought to how we stay upright—that is until we get dizzy or suffer vertigo. It takes a lot to keep us from falling over daily and so much of it surprisingly has to do with the ears. How We Balance We hear with our ears but besides the auditory …

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A Link between Hearing Loss & Cardiovascular Disease

At the center of everything is our heart, supplying blood throughout our body from our toes to our brain. The heart not only supplies blood throughout the body but when working at its most efficient supplies oxygen and essential nutrients to every cell and organ throughout the body. To ensure opal health for the heart it’s recommended to stay active …

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How to Prevent Swimmer’s Ear

Even though January is one of Hawaii’s cooler months, the ocean temperatures are still warm enough to allow you to swim comfortably. This means it’s a great time of year to swim, snorkel, and surf! However, it’s important to be mindful of some of the dangers which lie just below the surface. Aside from Sharks and barracudas is swimmer’s ear! What is …

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Start Your New Year with Better Hearing!

The holiday season is here, and this means for many large gatherings with family and friends. At the last big gathering did you notice that you struggled to hear people more than usual? It’s common to struggle to hear at a noisy party. In fact, if it was so loud that you had to shout to talk to someone standing …

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A Link between Hearing Loss & Osteoporosis

One of the hardest things for many of us to accept as we age is that even if we maintain muscle mass as we age, our bones will inevitably become weaker. The body naturally removes old bone and replaces it with new bone and in our younger years, bone is replaced much more quickly than it is lost. It’s actually …

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Watch Out for Dangerous Decibels in Exercise Classes

There is no denying the benefits of regular exercise. Whether you like to work out in the gym or get out into the great outdoors, exercise can boost your mood, build muscle, endurance, and cardiovascular health. Regular exercise can also boost your hearing health, by ensuring your blood flows through your entire body- including the fragile cells of your inner …